Foster The Mission

Support Golden Crescent CASA's Staff

Foster The Mission image

As a nonprofit agency, especially in a deficit year, we are struggling to fulfill our staff's wish lists and also unable to enhance their current skills, tools and knowledge by participating in trainings that are essential to social work. Below is a list of wishes from the small stuff to our biggest dreams (in no particular order). If you would like to Foster The Mission, consider donating any amount towards our wish list. Or if you would like to sponsor a wish, such as a training for a staff (or multiple staff), or have an item to donate to fulfill a wish, feel free to donate here or reach out to us. We appreciate your generosity and thank you for being a Friend of CASA and supporting our mission and our staff!

Annual Crimes Against Children 5 day conference in Dallas Texas ($2500 per staff)
Annual Crimes Against Women 5 day conference in Dallas, Texas ($2400 per person)
TBRI Training Certification ($3,800 per staff)
Annual Texas CASA Conference ($1100 per staff)
Desktops with Big Screens (Currently some staff only have a laptop)
Docking Stations
Mobile Hot Spot
Upgraded Cell Phones
Office Furniture (desks, chairs, tables)
Office Supplies
Individual Printers
Grant Database
Agency Vehicles
Give Aways for Events
Gift Cards to honor Volunteers
Volunteer Appreciation Events
Staff Appreciation Events
New CASA Canopy
New CASA Tablecloth Cover (spandex)
Spinning Wheel Activity For Booths
Candy for Booths
Folding Chairs to take to Event (at least 2)
Ice Chest with CASA Logo (with drinks) for Outside Events
Storage Building / Space